Posts tagged ‘freedom’

March 26, 2012

Dripping Peace

by caterpillarwithonewing

The rays are triangles that poke holes

In the atmosphere

The clouds creep through the openings

Carrying moisture to the stars

Soaking dust in translucent raindrops


The stars drip in a thick mud of


Forming pools of silver sparkles

In place of the clouds


Space is erased and enslaved

By fog

Black holes are now clogged

While below, birds wings are soaked

In mercury




Carrying the universe upon feathers

Silver drips compose paintings in

The unscathed blue

The humans walk on galactic sidewalks

Stars cower in the heat

Of triangles and society

A sun encircled by deltas

Burns our skin with ultraviolet change

Turns the universe inside out

We are the planets now

Revolving in antigravity

A circle of un-touching beings

At the will of change


A peaceful revolution

Below the black holes that suffocate

Erasing radio waves from wars and

Air raids

Phone calls with angry words

That tiptoed into space


Dehydrated stars merge the wishes with the sun

And it’s our heads they drip down upon

Pieces of delicate peace

Carve star mud into our faces

And we revolve at a

Galactic pace


Our explosions create comets

And our storms, beautiful colors

And the birds carry the universe

Dripping pieces of peace


January 18, 2012

What good is freedom if we fail to be free?

by caterpillarwithonewing

Freedom. It’s what drives people, it’s what drives dreams. It’s fought for, and died for. It’s one of the reasons so many people come to America. The opportunity to not only have freedom, but to use this freedom to pursue beautiful dreams. This “censoring of the internet” bill just makes no sense to me. What are they trying to do? “Protect” us from something? I understand what the motives could be, maybe it’s better for kids, maybe the internet is becoming too powerful, but when something seems to be ever popular or important to people, it seems as though we all start searching for flaws within it. “It causes this” “It’s not good because of this.” On and on. I’m not saying these things don’t have truth behind them, but if we’ve gotten so ignorant and pessimistic that everything seemingly good must be universally torn apart, then we need to step back and consider the direction we’re moving in. Freedom is a beautiful thing. All around the world it’s limited, all around the world it’s being fought for, all around the world brave souls and innocent souls and malicious souls are dying for it. While the internet may not be the most important of anyone’s worries right now, it’s the bigger picture that holds importance. The freedom. Freedom to express, freedom to be creative, freedom to reach out, freedom to learn and expand. There are threats, dangers, as there are with most everything. But above all, the internet was a revolutionary invention created for information, created for expansion. It stunned the world, and as it grows older flaws are revealed, wrinkles are smoothed, and more are added. I grasp the concept of censorship, the concept of keeping us safe from people who use the internet for no good, I understand the threats. But total censoring? Where went freedom of expression? The internet shouldn’t monopolize, but it is truly incredible and has the right to revolutionize. Keep it within reins. But let the citizens you classify as “free” use it as they please within reason of the laws of this country we’ve built on the pursuit of happiness for the people. I’ve put myself in the law makers’ shoes, and all I see is freedom for them, power for them through this bill. Whatever the outcome, those with something to say we’ll find ways to express no matter what. I’m rambling, but let it be. Internet Censoring.